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Recently the weathe is so bad . Rain and Rain everyday .

I hope the weather can be better . That I can go out with my family .

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Today I go out with my friend 世暐 .

We go to the 象山 and we see the night view that is so beautiful and amazing .

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The 2014 FIFA world cup will start at june 13 .

I can not wait its .

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NBA playoff is begining . I was so excited  .

I spport spurs to win the nba championship .

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Linkin park new song until it's gone is so amazing . I love it and enjoy this song .


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likiin park fucking new song is fucking perfct .

I love it so much  .

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This week is so bad , because this week is rain a lot . 

I can not go out with my frieds .

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Today is a good day but my feeling is bad .

Because my head is too hot .

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Today is the last day in 2013 . This year , I happened many things year .

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Justin Bieber This is a big news .   Justin bibber want to retier .

A source entrenched in the surely-swaggy Bieber camp told the New York Daily News that the rumored retirement is "a joke from his end" and "untrue." Believe director John Chu was sympathetic toward the singer in a recent interview with the Hollywood Reporter, saying, "We can't explain everything so we just tried to get to the heart of what happened to him in the past year. He's gone through heartbreak, which for a kid at his age is huge." He added, "I love Justin; he's a really good kid. So when I see him struggle, it hurts me, too."

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 December , 29 , 2013 I went to see the movie The Hobbit 2. It is a good movie .

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Today is a cold day , but my heat is warm . Because today is christmas day .

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My plan for the winter vacation

I want to go NEW YORK for my winter vacation because my brother study in NEW YORK .

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Chester , who is the vocal of  LINKIN PARK he is my idol and he give me many power.

He has many tatoo on his body and he he has best vocie in the world . When he was a child, he had been sexual assault and so on.

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__ (1) i

I think schools convenience store need sale cigarettes .

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Tonight I happened a strange and scared  thing..........

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This is my favorite american drama ''Prison break''and I love it so much .

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    Something about halloween

Halloween is a good day to me .

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I will never forget the third time  I went to LINKIN PARK concert.


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  My favorite rock band is LIKIN PARK.

I go to their concert 3 times .

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